Bulletin Announcements 05/04/2022                                    

Would you be so kind as to make your members aware of these weekly Bulletin Announcements by placing them on your church websites and/or bulletin boards? We greatly appreciate it. Be sure to scroll down to catch all the announcements.  These come out every Tuesday sometime after 1 p.m.  If you have announcements you would like us to share, please email us the information before noon on Tuesdays. If there are reasons that we cannot run your announcement, we will let you know. Thank you.


Minnesota Conference


Constituency Session – May 15

Minnesota Conference will hold its next Constituency Session Sunday, May 15, 2022, at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, MN. Registration begins at 9 a.m.; delegates will be seated at 10 a.m. Thank you for holding this session up in prayer.

Maplewood Academy Capital Campaign

For Maplewood Academy to continue to fulfill its God-given mission to work towards the education and salvation of the young people entrusted to us, a new cafeteria building is vital. The need for these funds is urgent. For construction to begin this summer, the funds must be raised this spring for 70% of the building cost. Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to contribute to this exciting project that will support the entire Minnesota Conference, as Maplewood is the location for conference events such as camp meetings, music fest, and various Pathfinder events. Thank you in advance for your support for the young people of Minnesota and the surrounding areas.




Maplewood Academy – Pre-Camp Meeting Veggie Food Sales



Camp Meeting – June 7 - 11

We are glad to announce in-person camp meeting this year! Please check out the information on our website which is continually being updated: www.mnsda.com

Camp Meeting Registration is now open. Please go to this link to register: https://www.ultracamp.com/info/sessiondetail.aspx?idCamp=154&campCode=QXP&idSession=357648



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