1. Church has presentable literature
- This means literature is not outdated or old. Literature should be contemporary and modern. GLOW Tracts fit this criteria. Click to Buy GLOW Tracts
2. Literature is visible
- Is it located where all can see? Do all church members know it exists? Does your church have a nice literature rack? Click to order Literature Rack
3. Church has GLOW Leader
- This person represents the conference literature department
Click to see Local Church GLOW Leader description
4. Sermon on literature once a quarter
- GLOW leader takes a few minuets every sabbath to share testimonies
5. Church has "Flush Sabbath" if needed
- Organize an outreach to flush out the old literature or mail old literature to the conference to be passed out later.
6. Church communicates with conference GLOW Department
- Keep members informed about conference outreach events